Cuddington Between Generations


Issues: Livng in a small village on a housing estate it was easy for the young residents to gain a bad reputation and grow tensions amoungst themselves and the older residents. The young people give to each other but don't often get the chance to give to others. They like to draw but aren't so good with paint.  Up the road from them there is a group of elderly people who live in a residential home. Sometimes they are a bit lonely and want something to do. They like to paint but find it hard to see to draw

Actions: Create canvas line drawings with the young people at the youth club. With some of the young people package up the canvas with paints and everything needed to complete the paintings. Take the gifts to the older people. Accept back any painting they complete and would like to gift back.

Uses: Taking two communities who would normally never come into contact, explore their respective talents and struggles. Working out how each set of talents can help with the others deficency.


1 Does the act of thoughtful gift giving help to heal a rift between different generations?

2  Should elderly and young people be encouraged to  give gifts? What is the benefit to them?

3 Can giving too much have perils and how could we minimise these perils in our societies?


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