Gifting Days, Northwich


Issues: The rising mountains of waste which isn't welcomed by charity shops and ends up with the rag and bone man and beyond in land fill or floating free in the environment. Sat with the need in the community for free things to make their lives more comfortable. The disconnected community where nothing is really free. People without transport not being able to dispose of things they no longer need or want.  A need to question exsisting economy.

Actions: To collect unwanted items or give people a secure place to drop the items, to present the items as free gifts at a central location, to refuse any money or donations and to talk to people about this. To take the really worn out or obsolete items, apply imagination and turn them into new lovely objects.

Uses: To grow community conversations about money, gifts and exchange. To grow a sense of connection.  To cut down the amount of waste leaking out of your community. To teach and learn new repurposing skills.


1 If somebody comes and takes too much should we stop them? Is it up to the individual or another to asses their need?

2 Who gains the most from an act of giving the giver or the receiver? Should this influence how we see and treat those in need?

3 Is anything really free in this world?

4 Can gifting play a part in fixing a broken economy?

5 Teach a man to buy and he will buy and buy again tomorrow. Teach a man to repurpose and ...? 



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